Travel insurance cover and exclusions

Chubb’s exclusions


If a loss is caused by, as a result of, or connected to the following, your travel insurance policy from Chubb does not provide cover (and we won’t be able to pay any benefits or indemnify you):

General exclusions:

  1. Communicable Disease, any actual or suspected Communicable Disease which results in restrictions impacting Your Journey being introduced or made by any travel or accommodation provider or any government or governmental body. This Policy Exclusion does not apply to Claims for Medical Expenses and Repatriation Expenses.
  2. Persons covered, you do not meet the criteria detailed under Important Notes on page 10 of this Policy.
  3. Children travelling alone, you are a Child travelling or booked to travel without an adult Person Insured named in the Policy Schedule, except in the circumstances detailed under the “Children” header on page 10 of this Policy.
  4. Journeys not covered, your Journey is described under “Journeys Not Covered”, on page 11 of this Policy.
  5. Not taking medication or treatment, a medical condition for which a Person Insured chose not to take medication or other recommended treatment as prescribed or directed by a Doctor.
  6. Tropical disease where not vaccinated
  7. Any Claim Due To a tropical disease where the Person Insured has not had the vaccinations or taken the medication recommended by the United Kingdom Department of Health or required by the authorities in the country being visited, unless they have written confirmation from a Doctor that they should not be vaccinated or take the medication, on medical grounds.
  8. You taking part in any of the following while on Your Journey
    1. any leisure activities, sports or winter sports not specifically covered under “Automatically Covered Leisure Activities and Sports” or listed under the Optional Winter Sports Extensions, where such extension is shown as covered in Your Policy Schedule.
    2. any leisure activities, sports or winter sports in a professional capacity or for financial reward or gain.
    3. competitive winter sports.
  9. Air travel unless You are travelling as a fare paying passenger which is provided by a licenced airline or air charter company, or it is specifically covered as an activity under this Policy.
  10. Business of any description unless the Business Extension is shown in Your Policy Schedule.
  11. Currency exchange, including but not limited to any loss of value or currency conversion fees.
  12. Any illegal act by You.
  13. You drinking too much alcohol, alcohol abuse or alcohol dependency. We do not expect You to avoid alcohol on a Journey, but We will not cover any Claims arising because You have drunk so much alcohol that Your judgement is seriously affected and You need to make a Claim as a result (for example any medical report or evidence showing excessive alcohol consumption which in the opinion of a Doctor has caused or contributed to the bodily injury).
  14. You taking any drugs in contravention of the laws applicable to the country You are travelling to, or having an addiction to or abusing any medications, or being under the influence of any non-prescribed medication which is classified as a legal high in the country You are travelling to.
  15. Your suicide, attempted suicide or deliberate self-inflicted injury regardless of the state of Your mental health; or
    ii. Your needless self-exposure to danger or where You have acted in a manner contrary to visible warning signs except in an attempt to save human life.
  16. ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste resulting from the combustion of nuclear fuel; or
    ii. the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component of such assembly.
  17. pressure waves from aircraft and other airborne devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds.
  18. War or any act of War whether War is declared or not.
  19. the financial failure of a tour operator, travel agent, transport provider, accommodation provider, ticketing agent or excursion provider.

Please refer to your policy schedule for the full terms, conditions and exclusions that apply.

Chubb can be contacted on 02071737904 or e-mailed at

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